Friday, August 03, 2012

5 Months to Marriage

So Justin and I have a 6 month engagement before the BIG day... that is a really long time, but we've got one month down and only 5 to go! The first thing everyone says when we tell them that we are getting married in December, is, "Wow, that's forever away!" I know,tell me about it!  We're the ones who are actually waiting that long. I know, we are crazy.

Well, to pass the time Justin and I came up with a way that will help us keep track of the days and to give us something to look forward to doing each day instead of just wanting every day to pass by quicker than the last. The engagement is supposed to be fun, we want to enjoy it even though it is long. So... we have created the 5 Months to Marriage chain.
We have 147 days to go as of today so we each took half of our paper chain links and wrote down one reason why we are excited to marry each other on each link. We are going to connect them alternately so that one day I can read why he is excited to marry me and the next he can be reminded why I am so excited to marry him :) I think it is a great idea! It helps us actually see all the little things that we love and are grateful for with each other, as well as reasons why we are excited to get married.


kristy said...

Kim! That is an awesome idea! did you come up with that?

K.B. Benson said...

Thanks! Yep, i did! No help even from Pinterest haha