Friday, August 01, 2014

Three Days and Counting

It is so crazy! We only have three days until we head out to Virginia--three days! I told Justin earlier today that I don't know how I feel about it... well, I do actually. Excited, sad, nervous, antsy to get gone, pumped for the adventure, panicked, loved, and a whole lot of other stuff.

This last week has flown by what with work, hanging out with some of our absolute favorite people! (Mom & Dad, Kris & Trent, Kathy & Kirk, the Stockwells, Grandma Downs, Josh & Rache, the Blenders, the Biesingers, Jared & Heather, the Turners, and Jen and her kiddos!), packing, looking for jobs, and everything else. It has been crazy busy, which unfortunately always makes time feel like it's speeding up. The closer we get to actually leaving the harder it is to say goodbye.

Rebecca told me something cool though. It isn't never say "goodbye" to family, only "see you soon." I have to keep reminding myself that each time I hang out with these amazing people I am going to miss so much!

Kristy gave me this amazing goodbye gift to remember her by and to remember that we are sisters for eternity. I am so lucky to have such wonderful people to call my brothers, sisters, and mom and dad. I haven't been able to take the necklace off yet.

Today mom and Stephanie came over for about four hours to help me finish packing up everything in our house. Justin and I have been gradually packing over the past few months and so we didn't have a ton to do, but I still couldn't believe it took us four hours. Our house is practically bare now, including all of our bedding, our closets, and kitchen cupboards, and the boxes in the living room are practically touching the ceiling.

Tomorrow the plan is to finish boxing everything up, go to the temple, and then job hunt all day. Yep, we're still looking for jobs out in VA. I have a part time job with a company called River Runners, a company that does brand management for manufacturer's on Amazon. They are letting me work remotely from Virginia, but I'm looking for a full time job, too--maybe something in the restaurant business, childcare workplace, or at UVA will open up. Other than that, this is now the time to enjoy every moment we can with those we love most.

So far this week we have gone out to eat with the Stockwells; played with Caleb, Morgyn, and Jon at their house; visited with Rebecca and Tate and played at their house; went and visited with Grandma D; packed and cleaned with mom and Stephanie; karaoked all night with all our ward friends and youth; had a fondue night with Kris & Trent, not to mention played games; went shopping with Kris and Mom; went to an Owlz game with the whole fam; visited with Jared and Heather; hung out with Kathy & Kirk and sang at Grandma Benson's devotional. We're going to top it all off with a goodbye party Saturday night with the Lender family and a goodbye party Sunday night with the Benson family. Man, this weekend is going to be rough, but fantastic! It can never really be that bad when you have so many people to love. I feel so lucky and happy to have so many loved ones so close.

And we're just three days and counting.

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